001    /**
002     * 
003     */
004    package org.wdssii.decisiontree;
006    /**
007     * 
008     * The learning algorithm for a decision tree. Create an instance of this class
009     * and call the learn() method
010     * 
011     * @author lakshman
012     * 
013     */
014    public interface DecisionTreeCreator {
016            @SuppressWarnings("serial")
017            public static class TreeCreationException extends RuntimeException {
018                    TreeCreationException(String cause) {
019                            super(cause);
020                    }
021            }
023            /**
024             * @param inputData
025             *            an array where each row corresponds to a single instance (to
026             *            be classified) and the columns hold the attributes of that
027             *            instance
028             * @param targetClass
029             *            an array where each row corresponds to a single instance,
030             *            specifically the actual classification of that instance. The
031             *            class needs to be a number 0,1,2,...,N-1 where N is the number
032             *            of classes. Some of these classes may have no examples.
033             * @return decisiontree
034             */
035            DecisionTree learn(float[][] inputData, int[] targetClass)
036                            throws TreeCreationException, IllegalArgumentException;
038    }