001    /**
002     * 
003     */
004    package org.wdssii.nse;
006    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
007    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
008    import org.wdssii.core.DataType;
010    /**
011     * 
012     * Creates and maintains a NSE profile
013     * 
014     * @author lakshman
015     * 
016     */
017    public class NSEProfile {
018            private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(NSEProfile.class);
019            float[] pressureLevels;
020            float[][] sfcElevation;
021            float[][] mslPressure;
022            float[][] sfcUWind;
023            float[][] sfcVWind;
024            float[][] sfcPressure;
025            float[][] sfcTemperature;
026            float[][] sfcDewPoint;
028            float[][][] temperatureC, dewpoint, height, u, v, w;
030            /**
031             * Invoke this constructor, set the fields sfcElevation, mslPressure, ...
032             * sfcDewPoint and then call finishInit()
033             * 
034             * @param pressureLevels
035             */
036            NSEProfile(float[] pressureLevels) {
037                    this.pressureLevels = pressureLevels;
038                    temperatureC = new float[pressureLevels.length][][];
039                    dewpoint = new float[pressureLevels.length][][];
040                    height = new float[pressureLevels.length][][];
041                    u = new float[pressureLevels.length][][];
042                    v = new float[pressureLevels.length][][];
043                    w = new float[pressureLevels.length][][];
044            }
046            private int numLat, numLon;
047            private float[][][] satVaporPressure, vaporPressure, rh, lclTemp, lclPres,
048                            theta, mixingRatio, virtualTempK, thetaE, wetBulbTempK,
049                            moistParcelTemp;
050            private int[][] nearSurfaceGridPoint; // index of first pressureLevel above ground
052            /** Call after setting all fields. */
053            void finishInit() {
054                    long start = System.nanoTime();
055                    log.info("Starting to compute 3D NSE points ...");
057                    numLat = temperatureC[0].length;
058                    numLon = temperatureC[0][0].length;
060                    satVaporPressure = new float[pressureLevels.length][numLat][numLon];
061                    vaporPressure = new float[pressureLevels.length][numLat][numLon];
062                    rh = new float[pressureLevels.length][numLat][numLon];
063                    lclTemp = new float[pressureLevels.length][numLat][numLon];
064                    lclPres = new float[pressureLevels.length][numLat][numLon];
065                    theta = new float[pressureLevels.length][numLat][numLon];
066                    mixingRatio = new float[pressureLevels.length][numLat][numLon];
067                    virtualTempK = new float[pressureLevels.length][numLat][numLon];
068                    thetaE = new float[pressureLevels.length][numLat][numLon];
069                    wetBulbTempK = new float[pressureLevels.length][numLat][numLon];
070                    moistParcelTemp = new float[pressureLevels.length][numLat][numLon];
071                    nearSurfaceGridPoint = new int[numLat][numLon];
073                    for (int i = 0; i < numLat; ++i) {
074                            for (int j = 0; j < numLon; ++j) {
075                                    float ground = sfcElevation[i][j];
076                                    nearSurfaceGridPoint[i][j] = 0;
077                                    for (int k = 0; k < pressureLevels.length; ++k) {
078                                            if (height[k][i][j] < ground) {
079                                                    temperatureC[k][i][j] = dewpoint[k][i][j] = u[k][i][j] = v[k][i][j] = DataType.MissingData;
080                                                    satVaporPressure[k][i][j] = vaporPressure[k][i][j] = rh[k][i][j] = lclTemp[k][i][j] = theta[k][i][j] = mixingRatio[k][i][j] = virtualTempK[k][i][j] = thetaE[k][i][j] = wetBulbTempK[k][i][j] = moistParcelTemp[k][i][j] = DataType.MissingData;
081                                            } else {
082                                                    if (nearSurfaceGridPoint[i][j] == 0 ){
083                                                            nearSurfaceGridPoint[i][j] = k; // index of first point above ground
084                                                    }
085                                                    initNsePoint(k, i, j);
086                                            }
087                                    }
088                            }
089                    }
090                    long end = System.nanoTime();
091                    log.info("Took " + (end - start) * 0.001 * 0.001
092                                    + " milliseconds to compute 3D NSE points");
093                    initSfcNsePoints();
094            }
096            private void initNsePoint(int k, int i, int j) {
097                    // order is important as later variables depends on former ones
098                    satVaporPressure[k][i][j] = calcSaturationVaporPressure(temperatureC[k][i][j]);
099                    vaporPressure[k][i][j] = calcVaporPressure(dewpoint[k][i][j]);
100                    rh[k][i][j] = calcRHFromVaporPressures(vaporPressure[k][i][j], satVaporPressure[k][i][j]);
101                    lclTemp[k][i][j] = calcLclTemp(temperatureC[k][i][j], dewpoint[k][i][j]);
102                    lclPres[k][i][j] = calcLclPres(lclTemp[k][i][j], pressureLevels[k],
103                                    temperatureC[k][i][j] + 273.15f);
104                    theta[k][i][j] = calcPotentialTemperature(pressureLevels[k],
105                                    temperatureC[k][i][j] + 273.15f);
106                    mixingRatio[k][i][j] = calcMixingRatio(vaporPressure[k][i][j],
107                                    pressureLevels[k]);
108                    virtualTempK[k][i][j] = calcVirtualTemperature(temperatureC[k][i][j],
109                                    mixingRatio[k][i][j]);
110                    thetaE[k][i][j] = calcEquivalentPotentialTemperature(
111                                    temperatureC[k][i][j], mixingRatio[k][i][j], lclTemp[k][i][j],
112                                    pressureLevels[k]);
113                    wetBulbTempK[k][i][j] = calcWetBulb(vaporPressure[k][i][j],
114                                    satVaporPressure[k][i][j], dewpoint[k][i][j],
115                                    temperatureC[k][i][j], pressureLevels[k]);
116                    moistParcelTemp[k][i][j] = calcMoistParcelTemp(thetaE[k][i][j],
117                                    pressureLevels[k]);
118            }
120            float[][] sfcRelativeHumidity, sfcVirtualTemperature, sfcTheta, sfcThetaE, sfcMixingRatio, sfcLclTemperature, sfcLclPressure, sfcWetBulbTemperatureK;
121            private void initSfcNsePoints() {
122                    long start = System.nanoTime();
123                    log.info("Starting to compute Surface NSE points ...");
124                    sfcRelativeHumidity = new float[numLat][numLon];
125                    sfcMixingRatio = new float[numLat][numLon];
126                    sfcVirtualTemperature = new float[numLat][numLon];
127                    sfcTheta = new float[numLat][numLon];
128                    sfcThetaE = new float[numLat][numLon];
129                    sfcLclTemperature = new float[numLat][numLon];
130                    sfcLclPressure = new float[numLat][numLon];
131                    sfcWetBulbTemperatureK = new float[numLat][numLon];
133                    for (int i = 0; i < numLat; ++i) {
134                            for (int j = 0; j < numLon; ++j) {
135                                    float vaporPressure = calcVaporPressure(sfcDewPoint[i][j]);
136                                    float saturationVaporPressure = calcSaturationVaporPressure(sfcTemperature[i][j]);
137                                    sfcRelativeHumidity[i][j] = calcRHFromVaporPressures(vaporPressure, saturationVaporPressure);
138                                    sfcMixingRatio[i][j] = calcMixingRatio(vaporPressure, sfcPressure[i][j]);
139                                    sfcVirtualTemperature[i][j] = calcVirtualTemperature(sfcTemperature[i][j], sfcMixingRatio[i][j]);
140                                    sfcTheta[i][j] = calcPotentialTemperature(sfcPressure[i][j], sfcTemperature[i][j] + 273.15f);
141                                    sfcThetaE[i][j] = calcEquivalentPotentialTemperature(sfcTemperature[i][j], sfcRelativeHumidity[i][j], sfcPressure[i][j]);
142                                    sfcLclTemperature[i][j] = calcLclTemp(sfcTemperature[i][j], sfcDewPoint[i][j]);
143                                    sfcLclPressure[i][j] = calcLclPres(sfcLclTemperature[i][j], sfcPressure[i][j], sfcTemperature[i][j] + 273.15f);
144                            }
145                    }
146                    long end = System.nanoTime();
147                    log.info("Took " + (end - start) * 0.001 * 0.001
148                                    + " milliseconds to compute Surface NSE points");
149            }
151            private static float calcDewPoint(float temp, float rh) {
152                    if ((temp != DataType.MissingData) && (rh != DataType.MissingData)) {
153                            double RH = rh * 0.01;
154                            // from Bolton (MWR 1980):
155                            double es = 6.112 * Math.exp((17.67 * temp) / (temp + 243.5));
156                            double e = es * RH;
157                            double dewp = (243.5 * Math.log(e) - 440.8) / (19.48 - Math.log(e));
158                            return (float) dewp;
159                    }
160                    return DataType.MissingData;
161            }
163            private static float calcMoistParcelTemp(float thetae, float pres) {
165                    // calculate the parcel temperature at the given pressure for a
166                    // given parcel thetaE, using Newton-Rhapson interation.
167                    //
168                    if (pres == DataType.MissingData || thetae == DataType.MissingData) {
169                            return DataType.MissingData;
170                    }
171                    double maxt = 0;
172                    if ((thetae - 270) > 0)
173                            maxt = thetae - 270;
175                    // generate a first-guess the GEMPAK way (and in degreeC)
176                    float tguess = (float) ((thetae - 0.5 * Math.pow(maxt, 1.05))
177                                    * Math.pow(pres / 1000, 0.2) - 273.15);
178                    // set convergence
179                    double conv = 0.01;
180                    // 297.621 / 900
181                    //
182                    double oldguess1 = -999999999999999.0;
183                    double oldguess2 = -999999999999999.0;
184                    // iterate by degrees
185                    for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) {
186                            float rh = i * 0.01f;
187                            float thetae1 = calcEquivalentPotentialTemperature(tguess, rh, pres);
188                            float thetae2 = calcEquivalentPotentialTemperature(tguess + 1, rh,
189                                            pres);
190                            if (thetae1 == DataType.MissingData
191                                            || thetae2 == DataType.MissingData) {
192                                    return DataType.MissingData;
193                            }
195                            float correction = (thetae - thetae1) / (thetae2 - thetae1);
196                            tguess += correction;
197                            // ADDED: are we stuck in a loop on either side of the solution?
198                            if ((oldguess2 - tguess) < 0.1 && Math.abs(correction) < 0.3) {
199                                    // not good enough, but need it to help find other bugs
200                                    tguess += 273.15f;
201                                    return (float) tguess;
202                            }
203                            if (Math.abs(correction) < conv) {
204                                    // return on solution
205                                    tguess += 273.15f;
206                                    return (float) tguess;
207                            }
209                            oldguess1 = tguess;
210                            oldguess2 = oldguess1;
211                    }
212                    // failed to converge
213                    return DataType.MissingData;
215            }
217            /*private static float calcRHFromDewpointAndTemperature(float dewpointC, float tempC){
218                    float saturationVaporPressure = calcSaturationVaporPressure(tempC);
219                    float vaporPressure = calcVaporPressure(dewpointC);
220                    return calcRHFromVaporPressures(vaporPressure, saturationVaporPressure);
221            }*/
223            private static float calcRHFromVaporPressures(float vaporPressure,
224                            float saturationVaporPressure) {
225                    if (vaporPressure != DataType.MissingData
226                                    && saturationVaporPressure != DataType.MissingData) {
227                            return (vaporPressure / saturationVaporPressure);
228                    }
229                    return DataType.MissingData;
230            }
232            private static float calcVaporPressure(float dewpointC) {
233                    // from Bolton (MWR 1980):
234                    if (dewpointC != DataType.MissingData) {
235                            return (float) (6.112 * Math.exp((17.67 * dewpointC)
236                                            / (dewpointC + 243.5)));
237                    }
238                    return DataType.MissingData;
239            }
241            private static float calcSaturationVaporPressure(float _TempC) {
242                    // from Bolton (MWR 1980):
243                    if (_TempC != DataType.MissingData) {
244                            return (float) (6.112f * Math.exp((17.67f * _TempC)
245                                            / (_TempC + 243.5f)));
246                    }
247                    return DataType.MissingData;
248            }
250            private static float calcWetBulb(float vaporPressure,
251                            float satVaporPressure, float DewPointC, float _TempC, float _Pres) {
252                    // uses the AWIPS method for Tw calculation at a point
253                    double ed = vaporPressure;
254                    double es = satVaporPressure;
255                    double DewPointK = (DewPointC + 273.16);
256                    float _TempK = _TempC + 273.15f;
258                    double ew, der;
259                    double de = .0001;
260                    int iter = 0;
262                    double s = ((es - ed) / (_TempK - DewPointK));
263                    double tw = (((.0006355 * _TempK * _Pres) + (DewPointK * s)) / ((.0006355 * _Pres) + s));
265                    if (Double.isInfinite(tw) || Double.isNaN(tw))
266                            return DataType.MissingData;
268                    while (de >= .0001 && iter <= 10) {
269                            ew = Math.exp(26.66082 - (.0091370924 * tw) - (6106.396 / tw));
270                            de = ((.0006355 * _Pres) * (_TempK - tw)) - (ew - ed);
271                            der = (ew * (.0091379024 - (6106.396 / (tw * tw))) - (.0006355 * _Pres));
272                            ++iter;
273                            tw = (tw - (de / der));
274                            if (Double.isInfinite(tw) || Double.isNaN(tw))
275                                    return DataType.MissingData;
276                    }
278                    if (Double.isInfinite(tw) || Double.isNaN(tw))
279                            return DataType.MissingData;
281                    return (float) tw;
282            }
284            private static float calcVirtualTemperature(float _TempC, float _MixingRatio) {
285                    float _TempK = _TempC + 273.15f;
286                    if (_TempK != DataType.MissingData
287                                    && _MixingRatio != DataType.MissingData) {
288                            // because moist air is less dense than dry air (Newton 1717)
289                            // eq is originally Hess (1959)
290                            double Wtemp = _MixingRatio < 0.1 ? 0 : _MixingRatio / 1000.0; // convert
291                            // to
292                            // kg/kg
293                            // (dimensionless)
295                            double ret_val = _TempK * (1.0 + 1.609 * Wtemp) / (1.0 + Wtemp);
296                            return (float) ret_val;
297                    }
298                    return DataType.MissingData;
300            }
302            private static float calcMixingRatio(float _VaporPressure, float _Pres) {
303                    if (_VaporPressure != DataType.MissingData
304                                    && _Pres != DataType.MissingData) {
305                            // Hess (1959)
306                            double epsillon = .62197;
307                            double ret_val = (epsillon * _VaporPressure)
308                                            / (_Pres - _VaporPressure);
309                            // convert to g/kg
310                            ret_val *= 1000.0;
311                            return (float) ret_val;
312                    }
313                    return DataType.MissingData;
315            }
317            private static float calcPotentialTemperature(float _Pres, float _TempK) {
318                    if (_Pres != DataType.MissingData && _TempK != DataType.MissingData) {
319                            return (float) (_TempK * Math.pow((1000.0 / _Pres), 0.286));
320                    }
321                    return DataType.MissingData;
322            }
324            private static float calcLclPres(float _LCLTemp, float _Pres, float _TempK) {
325                    if (_LCLTemp != DataType.MissingData && _Pres != DataType.MissingData
326                                    && _TempK != DataType.MissingData) {
327                            return (float) (_Pres * Math.pow(((_LCLTemp + 273.15) / _TempK),
328                                            (1 / 0.286)));
329                    }
330                    return DataType.MissingData;
331            }
333            private static float calcLclTemp(float tempC, float dewpointC) {
334                    if (tempC != DataType.MissingData && dewpointC != DataType.MissingData) {
335                            // From Barnes (JAM 1968, p511)
336                            return dewpointC - (0.001296f * dewpointC + 0.1963f)
337                                            * (tempC - dewpointC);
338                    } else {
339                            return DataType.MissingData;
340                    }
341            }
343            private static float calcEquivalentPotentialTemperature(float tempC,
344                            float rh, float pres) {
345                    float dewpoint = calcDewPoint(tempC, rh);
346                    float vaporPressure = calcVaporPressure(dewpoint);
347                    float mixingRatio = calcMixingRatio(vaporPressure, pres);
348                    float lclTemp = calcLclTemp(tempC, dewpoint);
349                    return calcEquivalentPotentialTemperature(tempC, mixingRatio, lclTemp,
350                                    pres);
351            }
353            private static float calcEquivalentPotentialTemperature(float tempC,
354                            float mixingRatio, float lclTemp, float pres) {
355                    float tempK = tempC + 273.16f;
356                    // from Bolton (1980), equation #43
357                    if (mixingRatio == DataType.MissingData
358                                    || tempK == DataType.MissingData
359                                    || lclTemp == DataType.MissingData) {
360                            return DataType.MissingData;
361                    }
362                    float Wtemp = (mixingRatio < 0.1f) ? 0 : mixingRatio;
363                    float exponent = 0.2854f * (1 - 0.00028f * Wtemp);
364                    double term1 = tempK * Math.pow((1000 / pres), exponent);
365                    double term2 = (3.376 / (273.15 + lclTemp)) - 0.00254;
366                    double term3 = Wtemp * (1 + 0.00081 * Wtemp);
367                    double thetae = term1 * Math.exp(term2 * term3);
368                    if (Double.isInfinite(thetae) || Double.isNaN(thetae)) {
369                            return DataType.MissingData;
370                    }
371                    return (float) thetae;
372            }
374            /** @return value of y corresponding to x */
375            private static float interpolate(float y1, float y2, float x1, float x2,
376                            float x) {
377                    if (y1 == DataType.MissingData || y2 == DataType.MissingData
378                                    || x1 == DataType.MissingData || x2 == DataType.MissingData) {
379                            return DataType.MissingData;
380                    }
381                    return y1 + (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
382            }
384            void fillHeightOfIsotherm(float thresh, float[][] result) {
385                    for (int i = 0; i < numLat; ++i) {
386                            for (int j = 0; j < numLon; ++j) {
387                                    result[i][j] = sfcElevation[i][j];
388                                    for (int k = pressureLevels.length - 2; k >= 0; --k) {
389                                            if (DataType.MissingData != temperatureC[k + 1][i][j]
390                                                            && temperatureC[k + 1][i][j] < thresh
391                                                            && temperatureC[k][i][j] >= thresh) {
392                                                    result[i][j] = interpolate(height[k][i][j],
393                                                                    height[k + 1][i][j], temperatureC[k][i][j],
394                                                                    temperatureC[k + 1][i][j], thresh);
395                                                    break;
396                                            }
397                                    }
398                            }
399                    }
400            }
402            void fillHeightOfWetBulb(float threshInCelsius, float[][] result) {
403                    final float threshInKelvin = 273.16f + threshInCelsius;
405                    for (int i = 0; i < numLat; ++i) {
406                            for (int j = 0; j < numLon; ++j) {
407                                    float lastWbTemp = DataType.MissingData;
408                                    for (int k = pressureLevels.length - 1; k >= 0; --k) {
409                                            float wbTemp = moistParcelTemp[k][i][j];
410                                            // moistParcelTemperature[k][i][j];
411                                            if (k != (pressureLevels.length - 1)) {
412                                                    if (wbTemp >= threshInKelvin
413                                                                    && lastWbTemp < threshInKelvin) {
414                                                            result[i][j] = interpolate(height[k][i][j],
415                                                                            height[k + 1][i][j], wbTemp, lastWbTemp,
416                                                                            threshInKelvin);
417                                                            continue;
418                                                    }
419                                            }
420                                    }
421                            }
422                    }
423            }
425            public void fillMeanWindSpeed(float botPressure, float topPressure,
426                            float[][] result) {
427                    for (int i = 0; i < numLat; ++i) {
428                            for (int j = 0; j < numLon; ++j) {
429                                    float meanu = getMeanValuePressureLayer(i, j, botPressure, topPressure, this.u);
430                                    float meanv = getMeanValuePressureLayer(i, j, botPressure, topPressure, this.v);
431                                    result[i][j] = getSpeedFromUV(meanu, meanv);
432                            }
433                    }
434            }
436            static float getSpeedFromUV(float u, float v) {
437                    if (u == DataType.MissingData || v == DataType.MissingData) {
438                            return DataType.MissingData;
439                    } else {
440                            return (float) Math.sqrt(u * u + v * v);
441                    }
442            }
444            float getMeanValueLayer(int x, int y, float botHeight, float topHeight,
445                            float[][][] param) {
446                    assert (param.length == pressureLevels.length);
448                    boolean found_top = false;
449                    boolean found_bot = false;
451                    float sum_param = 0;
453                    // FIXME: made this simple -- as a first cut, we won't bother
454                    // interpolating to get the endpoints just right. Unless the
455                    // model's vertical resolution is really crummy, then this
456                    // probably doesn't matter, anyway!
457                    //
458                    for (int k = 0; k < pressureLevels.length - 1; k++) {
459                            if (this.height[k][x][y] >= botHeight && !found_bot) {
460                                    found_bot = true;
461                            }
462                            if (this.height[k][x][y] >= topHeight && !found_top) {
463                                    if (k > 0) {
464                                            found_top = true;
465                                    } else {
466                                            return DataType.MissingData;
467                                    }
468                            }
470                            // assume that the parameter value represents the value from
471                            // the bottom level to just below the next level (we aren't
472                            // interpolating to get the exact values at the endpoints)
474                            if (found_bot && !found_top) {
475                                    // FIXME: (a) check MISSING?  (b) break loop at this point? why remain inside loop?
476                                    sum_param += param[k][x][y] * (height[k + 1][x][y] - height[k][x][y]);
477                            }
478                    }
479                    if (found_bot && found_top) {
480                            return (sum_param / (topHeight - botHeight));
481                    } else {
482                            return DataType.MissingData;
483                    }
484            }
486            private float getMeanValuePressureLayer(int x, int y, float botPres,
487                            float topPres, float[][][] values) {
488                    float botHeight = DataType.MissingData;
489                    float topHeight = DataType.MissingData;
490                    boolean botFound = false;
491                    boolean topFound = false;
492                    for (int k = 0; k < pressureLevels.length - 1; ++k) {
493                            if (pressureLevels[k] >= botPres && pressureLevels[k + 1] < botPres) {
494                                    botHeight = interpolate(this.height[k][x][y],
495                                                    this.height[k + 1][x][y], pressureLevels[k],
496                                                    pressureLevels[k + 1], botPres);
497                                    botFound = true;
498                            } else if (pressureLevels[k] >= topPres
499                                            && pressureLevels[k + 1] < topPres) {
500                                    topHeight = interpolate(this.height[k][x][y],
501                                                    this.height[k + 1][x][y], pressureLevels[k],
502                                                    pressureLevels[k + 1], topPres);
503                                    topFound = true;
504                            }
505                    }
506                    if (botFound && topFound) {
507                            float val = getMeanValueLayer(x, y, botHeight, topHeight, values);
508                            return val;
509                    } else {
510                            return DataType.MissingData;
511                    }
512            }
514            public void fillMeanValuePressureLayerVerticalVelocity(int botPressure, int topPressure, float[][] result) {
515                    for (int i = 0; i < numLat; ++i) {
516                            for (int j = 0; j < numLon; ++j) {
517                                    result[i][j] = getMeanValuePressureLayer(i, j, botPressure, topPressure, this.w);
518                            }
519                    }
520            }
522            public void fillMeanValuePressureLayerTemperatureC(int botPressure, int topPressure, float[][] result) {
523                    for (int i = 0; i < numLat; ++i) {
524                            for (int j = 0; j < numLon; ++j) {
525                                    result[i][j] = getMeanValuePressureLayer(i, j, botPressure, topPressure, this.temperatureC);
526                            }
527                    }
528            }
530            public void fillNumberOfUndergroundGridpoints(float[][] result) {
531                    for (int i = 0; i < numLat; ++i) {
532                            for (int j = 0; j < numLon; ++j) {
533                                    result[i][j] = nearSurfaceGridPoint[i][j];
534                            }
535                    }
536            }
538            public void fillSurfaceRelativeHumidityPercent(float[][] result) {
539                    for (int i = 0; i < numLat; ++i) {
540                            for (int j = 0; j < numLon; ++j) {
541                                    float v = sfcRelativeHumidity[i][j];
542                                    result[i][j] = (v == DataType.MissingData)? v : (v*100);
543                            }
544                    }
545            }
547    }