001    /**
002     * 
003     */
004    package org.wdssii.nse;
006    import java.util.ArrayList;
007    import java.util.Collections;
008    import java.util.Comparator;
009    import java.util.Date;
010    import java.util.List;
012    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
013    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
014    import org.wdssii.core.Algorithm;
015    import org.wdssii.core.BuilderFactory;
016    import org.wdssii.core.DataEncoder;
017    import org.wdssii.core.DataType;
018    import org.wdssii.core.IndexRecord;
019    import org.wdssii.core.LatLonGrid;
020    import org.wdssii.core.Location;
021    import org.wdssii.core.UdUnits;
023    import ucar.units.Unit;
025    /**
026     * 
027     * Near-storm environment algorithm.
028     * 
029     * @author lakshman
030     * 
031     */
032    public class NseAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
033            private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(NseAlgorithm.class);
035            private String heightProductName = "HGT-ISBL";
036            private String temperatureProductName = "TMP-ISBL";
037            private String relativeHumidityProductName = "RH-ISBL";
038            private String gridRelativeUWindProductName = "UGRD-ISBL";
039            private String gridRelativeVWindProductName = "VGRD-ISBL";
040            private String verticalVelocityProductName = "VVEL-ISBL";
041            private String terrainElevationProductName = "HGT-SFC";
042            private String mslPressureProductName = "MSLMA-MSL";
043            private String sfcGridRelativeUWindProductName = "UGRD-HTGL";
044            private String sfcGridRelativeVWindProductName = "VGRD-HTGL";
045            private String sfcPressureProductName = "PRES-SFC";
046            private String sfcTemperatureProductName = "TMP-HTGL";
047            private String sfcDewPointDepression = "DEPR-HTGL";
048            private String subTypeSuffix = "_analysis";
049            private int numPressureLevels = 31;
051            public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
052                    NseAlgorithm alg = new NseAlgorithm();
053                    alg.setup(args);
054                    alg.init();
055                    alg.execute();
056            }
058            public static class InProduct {
059                    private String productName;
060                    private Unit unit;
061                    private List<LatLonGrid> llgrids = new ArrayList<LatLonGrid>();
063                    public InProduct(String productName, String unit) {
064                            this.productName = productName;
065                            if (unit != null) {
066                                    this.unit = UdUnits.parse(unit);
067                            }
068                    }
070                    public void update(LatLonGrid grid) {
071                            if (this.getTime().before(grid.getTime())) {
072                                    log.info("New " + productName
073                                                    + " grid received ... deleting older grids");
074                                    llgrids.clear();
075                            }
076                            if (unit != null) {
077                                    grid.convertToUnit(unit);
078                            }
079                            llgrids.add(grid);
080                            log.info("Received " + llgrids.size() + " products for "
081                                            + productName);
082                    }
084                    public int getNumGrids() {
085                            return llgrids.size();
086                    }
088                    public Date getTime() {
089                            if (llgrids.size() == 0) {
090                                    return new Date(0);
091                            }
092                            return llgrids.get(0).getTime();
093                    }
095                    public void sortByPressureLevel() {
096                            Collections.sort(llgrids, new Comparator<LatLonGrid>() {
097                                    @Override
098                                    public int compare(LatLonGrid o1, LatLonGrid o2) {
099                                            Double p1 = new Double((String) o1
100                                                            .getAttribute("PressureLevel"));
101                                            Double p2 = new Double((String) o2
102                                                            .getAttribute("PressureLevel"));
103                                            // higher pressures first
104                                            return p2.compareTo(p1);
105                                    }
106                            });
107                    }
109                    public float getPressureLevel(int index){
110                            return Float.valueOf((String) llgrids.get(index).getAttribute("PressureLevel"));
111                    }
112            }
114            private InProduct[] in3DProducts;
115            private InProduct[] inSfcProducts;
117            private void init() {
118                    in3DProducts = new InProduct[] { 
119                                    new InProduct(heightProductName, "gpm"),
120                                    new InProduct(temperatureProductName, "degreeC"),
121                                    new InProduct(relativeHumidityProductName, null), // will get changed to dewpoint
122                                    new InProduct(gridRelativeUWindProductName, "MetersPerSecond"), // will get changed to u
123                                    new InProduct(gridRelativeVWindProductName, "MetersPerSecond"), // will get changed to v
124                                    new InProduct(verticalVelocityProductName, "MetersPerSecond") };
125                    inSfcProducts = new InProduct[] {
126                                    new InProduct(terrainElevationProductName, "m"),
127                                    new InProduct(mslPressureProductName, "mb"),
128                                    new InProduct(sfcGridRelativeUWindProductName, "MetersPerSecond"), // will get changed to u
129                                    new InProduct(sfcGridRelativeVWindProductName, "MetersPerSecond"), // will get changed to v
130                                    new InProduct(sfcPressureProductName, "mb"),
131                                    new InProduct(sfcTemperatureProductName, "degreeC"),
132                                    new InProduct(sfcDewPointDepression, "degreeC"), }; // will get changed to dewpoint
133            }
135            private void runNSE(){
136                    // set up pressure levels
137                    float[] pressureLevels = new float[numPressureLevels];
138                    for (int i=0; i < numPressureLevels; ++i){
139                            float ht = in3DProducts[0].getPressureLevel(i);
140                            float temp = in3DProducts[1].getPressureLevel(i);
141                            float dewp = in3DProducts[2].getPressureLevel(i);
142                            float u = in3DProducts[3].getPressureLevel(i);
143                            float v = in3DProducts[4].getPressureLevel(i);
144                            float w = in3DProducts[5].getPressureLevel(i);
145                            if (ht != temp || dewp != temp || u != temp || v != temp || w != temp){
146                                    log.error("The pressure levels in the grids do not match ...");
147                                    return;
148                            }
149                            pressureLevels[i] = ht;
150                    }
152                    // set up NSE profile
153                    NSEProfile profile = new NSEProfile(pressureLevels);
154                    profile.sfcElevation =   inSfcProducts[0].llgrids.get(0).getValues();
155                    profile.mslPressure =   inSfcProducts[1].llgrids.get(0).getValues();
156                    profile.sfcUWind =   inSfcProducts[2].llgrids.get(0).getValues();
157                    profile.sfcVWind =   inSfcProducts[3].llgrids.get(0).getValues();
158                    profile.sfcPressure =   inSfcProducts[4].llgrids.get(0).getValues();
159                    profile.sfcTemperature = inSfcProducts[5].llgrids.get(0).getValues();
160                    profile.sfcDewPoint = inSfcProducts[6].llgrids.get(0).getValues();
162                    for (int i=0; i < numPressureLevels; ++i){
163                            profile.height[i] = in3DProducts[0].llgrids.get(i).getValues();
164                            profile.temperatureC[i] = in3DProducts[1].llgrids.get(i).getValues();
165                            profile.dewpoint[i] = in3DProducts[2].llgrids.get(i).getValues();
166                            profile.u[i] = in3DProducts[3].llgrids.get(i).getValues();
167                            profile.v[i] = in3DProducts[4].llgrids.get(i).getValues();
168                            profile.w[i] = in3DProducts[5].llgrids.get(i).getValues();
169                    }
170                    profile.finishInit();
172                    // write out isotherm products
173                    LatLonGrid output = new LatLonGrid(inSfcProducts[0].llgrids.get(0));
174                    float[][] temp2DArray = output.getValues();
176                    profile.fillHeightOfIsotherm(0, temp2DArray);
177                    writeOutputGrid(output, temp2DArray, "HeightOf0C", "nseanalysis",  "m");
179                    profile.fillHeightOfIsotherm(-10, temp2DArray);
180                    writeOutputGrid(output, temp2DArray, "HeightOf-10C", "nseanalysis",  "m");
182                    profile.fillHeightOfIsotherm(-20, temp2DArray);
183                    writeOutputGrid(output, temp2DArray, "HeightOf-20C", "nseanalysis",  "m");
185                    profile.fillHeightOfWetBulb(0, temp2DArray);
186                    writeOutputGrid(output, temp2DArray, "HeightOfWetBulbZero", "nseanalysis",  "m");
188                    profile.fillHeightOfWetBulb(4, temp2DArray);
189                    writeOutputGrid(output, temp2DArray, "HeightOfWetBulbFour", "nseanalysis",  "m");
191                    profile.fillMeanWindSpeed(500, 300, temp2DArray);
192                    writeOutputGrid(output, temp2DArray, "WindSpeedMean500-300mb", "nseanalysis",  "m/s");
194                    profile.fillMeanValuePressureLayerVerticalVelocity(850, 500, temp2DArray);
195                    writeOutputGrid(output, temp2DArray, "VerticalVelocityMean_850-500mb", "nseanalysis",  "dimensionless");
197                    profile.fillMeanValuePressureLayerTemperatureC(500, 400, temp2DArray);
198                    writeOutputGrid(output, temp2DArray, "TemperatureMean_500-400mb", "nseanalysis",  "degreeC");
200                    profile.fillNumberOfUndergroundGridpoints(temp2DArray);
201                    writeOutputGrid(output, temp2DArray, "NumUndergroundGridpoints", "nseanalysis",  "dimensionless");
203                    profile.fillSurfaceRelativeHumidityPercent(temp2DArray);
204                    writeOutputGrid(output, temp2DArray, "SfcRH", "nseanalysis",  "%");
206                    writeOutputGrid(output, profile.sfcDewPoint, "SfcDewPoint", "nseanalysis",  "degreeC");
208                    writeOutputGrid(output, profile.sfcVirtualTemperature, "SfcTv", "nseanalysis",  "degreeC");
210                    writeOutputGrid(output, profile.sfcThetaE, "SfcThetaE", "nseanalysis",  "degreeK");
212                    writeOutputGrid(output, profile.sfcTheta, "SfcTheta", "nseanalysis",  "degreeK");
214                    writeOutputGrid(output, profile.sfcMixingRatio, "SfcMixingRatio", "nseanalysis",  "GramsPerKilogram");
216                    writeOutputGrid(output, profile.sfcLclTemperature, "SfcLCLTemp", "nseanalysis",  "degreeC");
218                    writeOutputGrid(output, profile.sfcLclPressure, "SfcLCLPress", "nseanalysis",  "mb");
220                    writeOutputGrid(output, profile.sfcWetBulbTemperatureK, "SfcWetBulb", "nseanalysis",  "degreeK");
221            }
223            private void writeOutputGrid(LatLonGrid output, float[][] values, String typeName, String subType, String unit) {
224                    float[][] orig = output.getValues();
225                    output.setValues(values);
226                    try {
227                            output.setTypeName(typeName);
228                            output.setAttribute("SubType", subType);
229                            output.setAttribute("Unit", unit);
230                            DataEncoder.writeDataAndNotify(output, getOutputDir());
231                    } finally {
232                            output.setValues(orig);
233                    }
234            }
236            private boolean updateProduct(IndexRecord rec) {
237                    String dataType = rec.getDataType();
238                    for (InProduct prod : in3DProducts) {
239                            if (prod.productName.equals(dataType)) {
240                                    LatLonGrid grid = (LatLonGrid) BuilderFactory
241                                                    .createDataType(rec);
242                                    prod.update(grid);
243                                    return true;
244                            }
245                    }
246                    for (InProduct prod : inSfcProducts) {
247                            if (prod.productName.equals(dataType)) {
248                                    LatLonGrid grid = (LatLonGrid) BuilderFactory
249                                                    .createDataType(rec);
250                                    prod.update(grid);
251                                    return true;
252                            }
253                    }
254                    log.debug("Not interested in " + dataType);
255                    return false;
256            }
258            private boolean suffixMatches(IndexRecord rec) {
259                    String subType = rec.getSubType();
260                    if (!subType.endsWith(subTypeSuffix)) {
261                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
262                                    String dataType = rec.getDataType();
263                                    log.debug("Ignoring " + dataType + ":" + subType
264                                                    + " since the subType does not end with "
265                                                    + subTypeSuffix);
266                            }
267                            return false;
268                    }
269                    return true;
270            }
272            private boolean haveAllProducts() {
273                    // do we have all the grids we need?
274                    for (InProduct prod : in3DProducts) {
275                            if (prod.llgrids.size() != numPressureLevels) {
276                                    log.debug("Have received only " + prod.llgrids.size() + " of "
277                                                    + numPressureLevels + " pressure levels for "
278                                                    + prod.productName);
279                                    return false;
280                            }
281                    }
282                    for (InProduct prod : inSfcProducts) {
283                            if (prod.llgrids.size() != 1) {
284                                    log.debug("Have not yet received " + prod.productName);
285                                    return false;
286                            }
287                    }
288                    log.info("Have received all the products required.");
290                    return true;
291            }
293            private void clearAllProducts() {
294                    for (InProduct prod : in3DProducts) {
295                            prod.llgrids.clear();
296                    }
297                    for (InProduct prod : inSfcProducts) {
298                            prod.llgrids.clear();
299                    }
300            }
302            private void prepareWindProducts(List<LatLonGrid> ugrid,
303                            List<LatLonGrid> vgrid) {
304                    log.info("Converting grid-relative winds in "
305                                    + ugrid.get(0).getTypeName() + " north-relative");
306                    log.info("Converting grid-relative winds in "
307                                    + vgrid.get(0).getTypeName() + " north-relative");
309                    // Here are some constants for the Lambert Conformal proejection:
310                    final double WindRotationConstant = 0.422618;
311                    final double XMeridian = -95.0;
313                    Location nwcorner = ugrid.get(0).getLocation();
314                    double w_lat = nwcorner.getLongitude();
315                    float lonres = ugrid.get(0).getDeltaLon();
316                    int numLat = ugrid.get(0).getNumLat();
317                    int numLon = ugrid.get(0).getNumLon();
318                    for (int k = 0; k < ugrid.size(); ++k) {
319                            float[][] u = ugrid.get(k).getValues();
320                            float[][] v = vgrid.get(k).getValues();
321                            for (int i = 0; i < numLat; ++i) {
322                                    for (int j = 0; j < numLon; ++j) {
323                                            if (u[i][j] == DataType.MissingData
324                                                            || v[i][j] == DataType.MissingData) {
325                                                    u[i][j] = v[i][j] = DataType.MissingData;
326                                            } else {
327                                                    double ang = WindRotationConstant
328                                                                    * (w_lat + j * lonres - XMeridian) * 0.017453;
329                                                    double sinx = Math.sin(ang);
330                                                    double cosx = Math.cos(ang);
331                                                    double ug = u[i][j];
332                                                    double vg = v[i][j];
333                                                    double u_new = cosx * ug + sinx * vg;
334                                                    double v_new = -sinx * ug + cosx * vg;
335                                                    // don't need a decimal precision more than 2 places
336                                                    int u_trunc = (int) (u_new * 100);
337                                                    int v_trunc = (int) (v_new * 100);
338                                                    u[i][j] = u_trunc * 0.01f;
339                                                    v[i][j] = v_trunc * 0.01f;
340                                            }
342                                    }
343                            }
344                            ugrid.get(k).setTypeName("U");
345                            vgrid.get(k).setTypeName("V");
346                    }
347            }
349            public static float calcDewpointFromRH(float temp, float rh) {
350                    float dewp = DataType.MissingData;
352                    if ((temp != DataType.MissingData) && (rh != DataType.MissingData)) {
353                            float RH = rh * 0.01f;
354                            // from Bolton (MWR 1980):
355                            float es = 6.112f * (float) Math.exp((17.67f * temp) / (temp + 243.5f));
356                            float e = es * RH;
357                            dewp = (243.5f * (float) Math.log(e) - 440.8f) / (19.48f - (float) Math.log(e));
359                    }
361                    return dewp;
363            }
365            private void prepareRelativeHumidity(List<LatLonGrid> tempGrids,
366                            List<LatLonGrid> rhGrids) {
367                    log.info("Converting relative humidity in "
368                                    + rhGrids.get(0).getTypeName()
369                                    + " to dewpoint based on temperature from "
370                                    + tempGrids.get(0).getTypeName());
371                    int numLat = rhGrids.get(0).getNumLat();
372                    int numLon = rhGrids.get(0).getNumLon();
373                    for (int k = 0; k < rhGrids.size(); ++k) {
374                            float[][] rhvalues = rhGrids.get(k).getValues();
375                            float[][] tempvalues = tempGrids.get(k).getValues();
376                            for (int i = 0; i < numLat; ++i) {
377                                    for (int j = 0; j < numLon; ++j) {
378                                            float rh = rhvalues[i][j];
379                                            float temp = tempvalues[i][j];
380                                            rhvalues[i][j] = calcDewpointFromRH(temp, rh);
381                                    }
382                            }
383                            rhGrids.get(k).setTypeName("DewPoint");
384                    }
385            }
387            private void prepareDewPointDepression(List<LatLonGrid> tempGrids,
388                            List<LatLonGrid> ddGrids) {
389                    log.info("Converting dewpoint depression in "
390                                    + ddGrids.get(0).getTypeName()
391                                    + " to dewpoint based on temperature from "
392                                    + tempGrids.get(0).getTypeName());
393                    int numLat = ddGrids.get(0).getNumLat();
394                    int numLon = ddGrids.get(0).getNumLon();
395                    for (int k = 0; k < ddGrids.size(); ++k) {
396                            float[][] ddvalues = ddGrids.get(k).getValues();
397                            float[][] tempvalues = tempGrids.get(k).getValues();
398                            for (int i = 0; i < numLat; ++i) {
399                                    for (int j = 0; j < numLon; ++j) {
400                                            float dd = ddvalues[i][j];
401                                            float temp = tempvalues[i][j];
402                                            ddvalues[i][j] = (dd != DataType.MissingData && temp != DataType.MissingData)? DataType.MissingData : (temp-dd);
403                                    }
404                            }
405                            ddGrids.get(k).setTypeName("DewPoint");
406                    }
407            }
409            @Override
410            public void handleRecord(IndexRecord rec) {
411                    if (suffixMatches(rec) && updateProduct(rec) && haveAllProducts()) {
412                            try {
413                                    for (InProduct prod : in3DProducts) {
414                                            prod.sortByPressureLevel();
415                                    }
416                                    prepareWindProducts(in3DProducts[3].llgrids,
417                                                    in3DProducts[4].llgrids);
418                                    prepareWindProducts(inSfcProducts[2].llgrids,
419                                                    inSfcProducts[3].llgrids);
420                                    prepareRelativeHumidity(in3DProducts[1].llgrids,
421                                                    in3DProducts[2].llgrids);
422                                    prepareDewPointDepression(inSfcProducts[5].llgrids,
423                                                    inSfcProducts[6].llgrids);
425                                    runNSE();
427                            } finally {
428                                    clearAllProducts();
429                            }
430                    }
431            }
432    }