001    package org.wdssii.webindex.servlet;
003    import java.io.BufferedReader;
004    import java.io.File;
005    import java.io.FileReader;
006    import java.io.FilenameFilter;
007    import java.io.IOException;
008    import java.util.ArrayList;
009    import java.util.Arrays;
010    import java.util.Collection;
011    import java.util.HashMap;
012    import java.util.List;
014    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
015    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
016    import org.wdssii.core.fam.FamIndexHelper;
017    import org.wdssii.core.fam.FamIndexHelperLsImpl;
019    public class WebIndexDAO {
020            private String source;
021            private String indexDir;
022            private long targetNumberOfRecords;
023            private IndexRecordList currentRecordList = null;
024            private int recordsRead = 0; // a counter to ensure unique id for each record
025            private HashMap<String, IndexRecordBean> filename_to_record = new HashMap<String, IndexRecordBean>();
026            private HashMap<IndexRecordBean, String> record_to_filename = new HashMap<IndexRecordBean, String>();
027            private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WebIndexDAO.class);
029            private FamIndexHelper famIndexHelper = new FamIndexHelperLsImpl();
031            private static class FileToRead implements Comparable<FileToRead> {
032                    private File file;
033                    private int numAttemptsLeft = 3;
034                    private FileToRead(File f){
035                            this.file = f;
036                    }
037                    @Override
038                    public int compareTo(FileToRead o) {
039                            return this.file.compareTo(o.file);
040                    }
041                    public static FileToRead[] createList(File[] files){
042                            FileToRead[] result = new FileToRead[files.length];
043                            for (int i=0; i < files.length; ++i){
044                                    result[i] = new FileToRead(files[i]);
045                            }
046                            return result;
047                    }
048            }
049            private List<FileToRead> filesToRead = new ArrayList<FileToRead>();
051            public String getSource() {
052                    return source;
053            }
055            public void setSource(String source) {
056                    this.source = source;
057                    this.currentRecordList = null; // so that it is init-ed the next time
058            }
060            public String getIndexDir() {
061                    return indexDir;
062            }
064            public void setIndexDir(String indexDir) {
065                    this.indexDir = indexDir;
066            }
068            public long getTargetNumberOfRecords() {
069                    return targetNumberOfRecords;
070            }
072            public void setTargetNumberOfRecords(long n) {
073                    this.targetNumberOfRecords = n;
074            }
076            public void setFamIndexHelper(FamIndexHelper helper){
077                    this.famIndexHelper = helper;
078            }
080            public FamIndexHelper getFamIndexHelper(){
081                    return famIndexHelper;
082            }
084            protected void init(){
085                    currentRecordList = IndexRecordList.newInstance(this.source);
086                    File[] files = famIndexHelper.getInitialFiles(indexDir);
087                    update(FileToRead.createList(files));
088            }
091            private IndexRecordBean extractContent(FileToRead fileToRead) {
092                    String filename = fileToRead.file.getAbsolutePath();
093                    BufferedReader reader = null;
094                    try {
095                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
096                                    log.debug("Reading " + filename);
097                            }
098                            reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
099                            StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();
100                            String line;
101                            do {
102                                    line = reader.readLine();
103                                    if (line != null) {
104                                            content.append(line);
105                                    }
106                            } while (line != null);
107                            IndexRecordBean to = new IndexRecordBean(filename, content
108                                            .toString(), ++recordsRead);
109                            return to;
110                    } catch (IOException e) {
111                            log.warn("Problem reading " + filename + ": " + e + " will try again " + fileToRead.numAttemptsLeft + " times");
112                    } finally {
113                            try {
114                                    if (reader != null)
115                                            reader.close();
116                            } catch (Exception e) {/* ok */
117                            }
118                    }
119                    return null;
120            }
122            private void update(FileToRead[] newfiles){
123                    // sort the files alphabetically
124                    Arrays.sort(newfiles);
126                    // read all the new files and add to map
127                    for (FileToRead f : newfiles) {
128                            IndexRecordBean rec = extractContent(f);
129                            if (rec != null){
130                                    addRecordToMaps(f.file.getAbsolutePath(), rec);
131                            } else {
132                                    f.numAttemptsLeft --;
133                                    if (f.numAttemptsLeft > 0){
134                                            filesToRead.add(f);
135                                    }
136                            }
137                    }
139                    // change the current TO to reflect new records
140                    Collection<IndexRecordBean> records = filename_to_record.values();
141                    currentRecordList.setRecords(records);
143                    // if 50% more than target, start to prune
144                    prune();        
145            }
147            /** Invoked on every user request for currentRecordList. */
148            private final void update() {
149                    if ( currentRecordList == null ){
150                            init();
151                    }
152                    else{
153                            File[] newfiles = famIndexHelper.getNewFiles();
154                            for (int i=0; i < newfiles.length; ++i){
155                                    filesToRead.add(new FileToRead(newfiles[i]));
156                            }
157                            if (filesToRead.size() > 0){
158                                    FileToRead[] toread = filesToRead.toArray(new FileToRead[0]);
159                                    filesToRead.clear();
160                                    update(toread);
161                            }
162                    }
163            }
165            private void addRecordToMaps(String filename, IndexRecordBean rec) {
166                    if (rec != null){
167                            filename_to_record.put(filename, rec);
168                            record_to_filename.put(rec, filename);
169                    }
170            }
172            private void prune(){
173                    long maxNumberOfRecords = targetNumberOfRecords + targetNumberOfRecords / 2;
174                    if ( currentRecordList.getRecords().length > maxNumberOfRecords ){
175                            if ( log.isInfoEnabled() ){
176                                    log.info("Pruning " + source + "'s index to " + targetNumberOfRecords + " from " + currentRecordList.getRecords().length);
177                            }
178                            currentRecordList.pruneToMaxSize(targetNumberOfRecords);
179                            famIndexHelper.pruneToMaxSize(maxNumberOfRecords, targetNumberOfRecords);
181                            // clear out the old maps
182                            HashMap<IndexRecordBean, String> record_to_filename_old = new HashMap<IndexRecordBean, String>(record_to_filename);
183                            record_to_filename.clear();
184                            filename_to_record.clear();
186                            // repopulate the maps based on the existing records
187                            IndexRecordBean[] records = currentRecordList.getRecords();
188                            for (IndexRecordBean record : records){
189                                    String filename = record_to_filename_old.get(record);
190                                    addRecordToMaps(filename, record);
191                            }
192                    }
193            }
196            /**
197             * @return a TransferObject that clients own. Changes to the TO will not
198             *         affect this business object in any way.
199             * See the constants in IndexRecordList for special values that lastRead can take.
200             */
201            public synchronized IndexRecordList getCurrentRecordList(long lastRead) {
202                    this.update();
203                    return currentRecordList.newInstance(lastRead);
204            }
206    }