kmeans Namespace Reference


class  Cluster
 Defines a cluster based on a statistic. More...
class  DbzScit
 The radar reflectivity tracking algorithm. More...
class  ImageAttr
 Use for storing attributes of each pixel in an image. More...
class  IRScit
 The satellite infrared image tracking algorithm. More...
class  KMeansSegmenter
 A simple K-means segmentation algorithm. More...
class  MergingKMSegmenter
 Improves the KMeansSegmenter's multiscale segmentation. More...
class  MultiscaleObjectTracker
 Defines the interface for a multiscale image tracker that tracks based on segmented images. More...
class  OverlapTracker
 A multiscale object tracker that uses the overlap between objects to determine which objects correspond to each other. More...
class  Segmenter
 Base class of image segmentation algorithms. More...
class  ContourSegmenter
class  SingleFeature
 To do KS-segmentation of an image based only on its gray-level values. More...
class  StormStat
 Stores those statistics associated with a pixel in an image that would correspond to be being approximately constant within a storm. More...
class  TextureStat
 Stores statistics associated with a pixel in an image. More...
class  W2Outputter
 A WeatherScit abstract class that can output in a format that w2 can read. More...
class  WeatherScit
 The satellite/radar tracking algorithm. More...
class  WeatherScitOutput
 A way to output the region boundaries along with their movement. More...

Generated on Fri May 4 13:40:22 2012 for WDSS-IIw2algs by  doxygen 1.4.7