src/w2algs/w2imgproc/w2img_LinearRBF.h File Reference


namespace  w2img


class  w2img::LinearRBF
 A RadialBasisFunction neural network can learn the relationship of an output to an input. More...
class  w2img::LinearRBF::Strategy
 Abstract base class of strategies to find centers and influence radius from the training data itself. More...
class  w2img::LinearRBF::UniformStrategy
 Pass in the min, max and required number of centers for each of the components of the input vector to get a vector of uniformly spaced centers. More...
class  w2img::LinearRBF::DataDrivenUniformStrategy
 Uniformly spaced centers, but uses the minbounds and maxbounds computed from the data. More...
class  w2img::LinearRBF::KMeansStrategy
 Uses k-means clustering to choose the best k centers based on the training data. More...

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