w2img Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The w2img namespace contains classes that perform image processing functions for use by various applications.

These classes provide the following capabilities:

  1. Filter gridded data of different types (Data2DFilter) with different types of kernels (KernelFilter)
  2. Morphological open-close operations (MorphFilter)
  3. Linear Radial basis functions (LinearRBF)
  4. Matrix operations
  5. Various Texture statistics


class  FireWeather
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2fireweather_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  MaskPoints
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2maskpoints_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  slogger
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in slogger_manager_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  Accumulator
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2accumulator_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  MhtQcFilter
class  VerticalMax
class  w2circ
class  GridLocalMax
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2localmax_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  ScoreClusters
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2scoreclusters_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  Watershed
 Segments a weather-type image using the watershed algorithm. More...
class  WatershedAlg
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2watershed_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  WritePoints
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2writepoints_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  AdaptiveHysteresisSegmenter
 This is a HysteresisSegmenter where the second threshold can be adaptive. More...
class  Cluster
 Defines a cluster based on a statistic. More...
class  ContourSegmenter
 Will segment the given image into regions based on an uniform division of the measurement space. More...
class  Ellipse
 An Ellipse represented using its center, semi-major axes and orientation. More...
class  ExtendedWatershedSegmenter
 Segments image following algorithm described in "A General Purpose Technique to Identify Storm cells in Geospatial images". More...
class  FeatureTracker
 Tracks possibility clusters and assigns attributes to those clusters. More...
class  HysteresisSegmenter
 Will segment the given image into regions based on two thresholds. More...
class  ImageAttr
 Stores attributes of each pixel in an image. More...
class  Segmenter
 Base class of image segmentation algorithms. More...
class  SegmenterResult
 The result of segmentation algorithms (. More...
class  SingleFeature
 Satisfies the requirements of the Cluster class. More...
class  WarpCorrect
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2warpcorrect_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  CatmullRomSpline
 Computes interpolating splines using the Catmull Rom algorithm. More...
class  CrossDissolveStrategy
 Done pixel-to-pixel linear interpolation between the values. More...
class  GMMTrack
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2gmmtrack_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  GradientMatchStrategy
 Morphs image by trying to line up gradients, so that growth/decay is captured. More...
class  MeshWarpStrategy
 Finds control points based on user-specified weights and then warps the image trying to keep control points matched up. More...
class  MorphTrack
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2morphtrack_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  GridComparator
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2scoregrid_main.cc and w2runningdiff_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  GridDifferencer
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2difference_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  GridThresholder
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2threshold_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  InitiationDetector
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2detectinitiation_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  PolygonToGrid
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2polygon2grid_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  TimeMorpher
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2timemorph_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
struct  Warning
struct  Report
class  WarningScorer
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2scorewarn_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  BlobFilter
 This allows you to find blobs in the image, filter them on size and fit a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) to them. More...
class  CompositeFilter
 Applies filters one after the other. More...
class  ContourFilter
 contours the given image and puts the data into a ContourData object that is returned via getResult() More...
class  Correlogram
 This class can be used to estimate (continually, or at just a snapshot in time) the correlogram. More...
class  PixelValueCorrelogram
 Create a correlogram from an image or sequence of images. More...
class  DataTableCorrelogram
 Create a correlogram from a data table of observations. More...
class  Data2DAdapter
 Any class X that satisfies the requirements of the Data2DAdapter should allow simple read access to its elements. More...
class  Data2DFilter
 The abstract base class of all filters that filter one of the CODE data types. More...
class  SingleData2DFilter
 Abstract base of individual filters. More...
class  DespeckleFilter
 Removes speckle from input images, but does not smooth valid values. More...
class  DistanceFilter
 Replaces each pixel by the distance from this pixel to a value above a certain threshold. More...
class  FilterFactory
 The factory allows you to get a filter by name and parameters. More...
class  FilterListener
 Listens for events and passes the object to an Data2DFilter for processing. More...
class  Fuzzy
 The inner classes implement several fuzzy resolvers. More...
class  GaussianMixtureModel
 Reports parameters of the best-fit Gaussian Mixture Model to a set of data:. More...
class  GAOpts
class  Gene
 A Gene consists of a floating number which is to be optimized. More...
class  Chromo
class  Population
class  ProbPie
class  GeographicData2DAdapter
 Any class X that satisfies the requirements of the GeographicData2DAdapter, in addition to satisfying the requirements of the Data2DAdapter should allow geographic referencing of each grid point. More...
class  GMMFilter
 Base class of GlobalGmmFilter and BlobFilter: filters that use Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM). More...
class  GlobalGmmFilter
 Fits a GMM to entire image. More...
class  HoughLineFinder
 This filter finds lines using the Hough Transform and draws the best lines back on the original image. More...
class  HungarianMatch
 Finds the optimal assocation in polynomial time. More...
class  ImageComparator
 Compares two images and gives estimates of how much image b resembles image a (the first input to all the score methods is assumed to be the real thing and the second an estimate). More...
class  ProbabilisticImageComparator
 Compares an image with a probability forecast. More...
class  ImageFilter
 Abstract base class of filters that will deal with simply a code::Image, i.e. More...
struct  Warp
class  ImageWarp
 Provides a way to warp one image to align it with another. More...
class  KalmanEstimator
 The Kalman estimator gives an estimate of the value assuming that the observation is of the same value. More...
class  MovingAverageEstimator
 The moving average estimator works just like the Kalman Estimator, except that, instead of using a Kalman filter to estimate the true current value, it uses a moving average. More...
class  KalmanLinearEstimator
 The Kalman linear estimator gives an estimate of the value assuming that the observation is of a linearly changing value (constant velocity for position observations, constant accelation for velocity observations, etc. More...
class  LinearFitEstimator
 The Kalman linear estimator gives an estimate of the value assuming that the observation is of a linearly changing value (constant velocity for position observations, constant accelation for velocity observations, etc. More...
class  KernelFilter
 This allows you to filter any two-dimensional DataType with a kernel, taking into account missing data. More...
class  LinearRBF
 A RadialBasisFunction neural network can learn the relationship of an output to an input. More...
class  LocalizedEllipseFilter
 Implementation of an oriented, but inseparable filter that takes into account missing values. More...
class  LRBFForecaster
 Uses a Linear Radial Basis Function (LinearRBF) to forecast based on a time-sequence of images. More...
class  Matrix
 A Matrix is implemented as holding on to a result code::Image<float> which can be obtained by calling getResult(). More...
class  MorphEdgeFilter
 This filter finds edges based on rank differences (morphologic processing). More...
class  MorphFilter
 Performs morphological open (dilate) and close (erode) based on grey-scale values that are of monotonically increasing/decreasing interest. More...
class  MultipleHypothesesTracker
 Uses the Hungarian method and Murty's K-best assignment method to implement multiple-hypotheses-tracking. More...
class  Multiplexer
 A filter that takes the input DataType, passes it on to all the associated Data2DFilters. More...
class  NeuralNetwork
class  OrientedFilter
 Implementation of an oriented, separable filter that takes into account missing values. More...
class  OutlierFilter
 This allows you to remove values that, based on their local neighborhood, are outliers. More...
class  PercentFilter
 This allows you to get the Nth percentile value in the neighborhood for any two-dimensional DataType. More...
class  RadialSetThreshold
class  ResizeFilter
 Linearly scales the data values, so that a value of 'x' becomes 'ax + b'. More...
class  ScalingFilter
 Linearly scales the data values, so that a value of 'x' becomes 'ax + b'. More...
class  Skeletonizer
 Finds the skeleton (medial axis) of all objects in the image. More...
class  SkillScore
 Provides means of computing skill score from contingency matrix. More...
class  SteeredGaussianFilterBank
 Implementation of a filter bank of steerable gaussians Charalampidis (2009) IEEE Trans on Geosc. More...
class  ThresholdFilter
 Sets all values below "min" to missing data and all values above "max" to max. More...
class  MaxThresholdFilter
 Sets all values above "max" to missing data and all values below "min" to min. More...
class  TruthLine
 An edge of a TruthPolygon. More...
class  TruthPolygon
 A TruthPolygon allows you to construct a polygon in any cartesian space, and then verify whether an arbitrary point is inside or outside that polygon. More...
class  VarianceFilter
 Replaces each pixel by an estimate of the variance in its neighborhood. More...
class  VQSectorization
 Given a set of spatial grids representing various observed quantities, divides the spatial grid into sectors using vector quantization. More...
class  Wavelet
 The four filter coefficients associated with a finite-length orthogonal wavelet. More...
class  WaveletFactory
 Creates a number of wavelets with the right coefficients. More...
class  WaveletTransform
 A WaveletTransform is an image filter that computes the wavelet transform of the input image and returns the transform as the output. More...
class  LMAFlash
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2lmaflash_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  NormalizeVisible
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2normalizevisible_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  ObjectiveAnalysis
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2oban_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  DataThresholder
class  LayerMax
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2img_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  PolarCAPPI
 Computes constant altitude PPIs (Horizontal cuts through polar grids). More...
class  PolarGridAlgorithm
 An algorithm base class to efficiently process normalized volumes of radial sets. More...
class  PolarHail
class  PolarListener
class  PolarLLSD
class  PolarVAD
 Computes a VAD at a given ste of ranges. More...
class  PolarVIL
 An algorithm base class to efficiently process normalized volumes of radial sets. More...
class  RadarVolumeManager
class  VolumeAlgorithmInterface
 A interface that will let you deal with either a VolumeAlgorithm<RadialSet> or a VolumeAlgorithm<PolarGrid>. More...
class  VolumeAlgorithm
 An algorithm base class to efficiently process volumes of RadialSets or PolarGrids. More...
class  BiologicalEcho
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2bioecho_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  CleanRef
 Removes AP and clutter from reflectivity data. More...
class  ClutterMapCreator
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2createClutterMap_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  StatisticalTexture
 Computes and holds a variety of local texture attributes. More...
class  RainAlbedo
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2rainalbedo_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...
class  VorticityDivergence
 Algorithm main class, whose methods are invoked by various listeners in w2vortdiv_main.cc Interface code auto-generated by w2algcreator. More...

Generated on Fri May 4 13:40:23 2012 for WDSS-IIw2algs by  doxygen 1.4.7