Warning Decision Support System -- Integrated Information

Automated algorithms, tools and displays for analysis, diagnosis and forecasts of severe weather phenomena       www.wdssii.org


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Obtaining WDSS-II


The Warning Decision Support System -- Integrated Information (WDSS-II) is the second generation of a suite of algorithms and displays for severe weather analysis, warnings and forecasting. WDSS-II has been developed jointly by engineers and scientists at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) and the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS) at the University of Oklahoma.

WDSS-II has three components:
  1. A suite of multi-sensor automated weather algorithms including techniques for combining and interrogating radar data, diagnosing hail, lightning and precipitation.
  2. A 3D earth and time-centered display for viewing multi-sensor data and algorithm outputs.
  3. An application programming interface (API) library in C++ that supports algorithm and display developers.

Please follow the links on the left to learn more about WDSS-II.

Hurricane interrogation with WDSS-II

Interrogating the 3D structure of a hurricane using the 4D, interactive display. The 3D structure (at 1 km resolution every 5 minutes) was created in real-time by combining high-resolution radar data.


WDSS-II would not have been possible without substantial funding from:
  1. NOAA's HPCC program
  2. National Science Foundation
  3. National Severe Storms Laboratory
  4. Federal Aviation Authority